terça-feira, junho 06, 2006

segunda-feira, junho 05, 2006

O Legítimo Zé Ninguém - "The Man of the Crowd"

Entre os véus negros que rolam na praça
Vão os simples, os reles e os outros
Os outros, tão outros que se excluem da exclusão
Perdidos que vão na sua propria sofreguidão.

Seres vivos do desintendido
Mundo. Mudo, imundo
Cumplice fedido desse alarido.
Tumor interno escondido, esquecido
Buraco negro, grito implodido no fundo

Esquecidos lá vão...

quinta-feira, junho 01, 2006

The Post-Conscience of the Hero

Are you prepared to pay the price of indifference? Of a life without feelings or emotions? Of the state of mummification that has taken away all your certainties, your safety illusions, your everlasting childhood… Are you prepared to be the piece in the machine that wasn’t made by the old man’s heart, but by routine alone? Are you prepared to be that routine now and, despite that, reciprocate the old man’s desires and hopes? Are you prepared to live in this thing where there’s nothing left of virtue but panic, regrets, paranoia, sadness, guilt, shame and trauma? Were you ever prepared at all? Are you ever going to be?